News > Good news for me, bad news for you :(
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Hey everyone, regrettably I have some bad news for you, while fantastic news for me….
Well it's not all bad news. Actually it's good news if you like playing custom campaigns. Regrettably I will be putting development of Cold Case on an indefinite hiatus. While I won't completely state that I have abandoned the campaign, I will still answer installing questions. This indefinite hiatus is on the extra content I was planning on releasing, (the survival maps, map 6, and covert operations).
Am I just abandoning the project because I'm bored? Absolutely not! The reason I am doing this, is because I just signed a contract with a company, and I have started development on another L4D campaign! Since this is a paid job with a deadline, I will be devoting all of my resources to this new project.
Thank all of you for the massive support you have given me over the months, and HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!